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Business Promotion Services

We simultaneously provide efficient enterprise promotion services. Promotion activities are based on the largest social media platforms and seamlessly integrated with the shopping and payment process to maximize advertising effectiveness.

Image by Domenico Loia
Multi-Platform Campaign
Alipay Red Pocket
  • Scan the QR code and Alipay will send customers a random amount of money to use in future purchase.

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WeChat Pay Lucky Money
  • WeChat will send customers a random amount of money to use in their e-wallet before purchase.

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Festival Campaigns

Both Alipay and WeChat Pay offer multiple festival campaigns for customers to earn real money by scanning the campaign code.

WeChat Pay promotion
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WeChat Moments Ads
  • Apply WeChat Moments Ad to expand your brand reach to 2,900,000 active WeChat users in Australia.

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Payment Successful Page Ads
  • Advertise on WeChat Pay payment successful page for over 10,000 exposures per day.

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Gift Pack Mini Program
  • It is a mini program that WeChat Pay released to overseas market, which contains deals and offers provided by both merchants and WeChat Pay.

Alipay promotion
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Alipay Discover Promotion
  • Merchant listing in Alipay Discover platform can have detailed description of the store location, customer's review and special offers displayed and pushed in the user’s Alipay App.

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Alipay City Card
  • Merchants can provide offers and it will be listed on the Alipay City Card, which is one of the most popular Alipay promotion platforms.

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Alipay Week
  • Each week Alipay offers different promotion, one for twenty, spend one CNY to exchange a 20 CNY coupon.

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